Saturday, January 22, 2011

V for Victory

The Resistance “V’s” appeared all over the country, today.  The V means Victory. Obviously, V stands for Victory campaign; it’s a mark of bold disobedience against the Homeland Security’s takeover of society. ‘The V campaign’ is meant for those ordinary people feel they were doing something symbolic to protest against their Occupation.
The British radio has asked people to write ‘V for victory’ everywhere and thus they are all over the place like on the shop fronts, on blackboards, on tables, everywhere. The people can be seen wearing a new badge containing a ‘V’ made with two crossed pins.
America is in a threat; the United States is being occupied as Homeland Security has launched a total takeover of society and attempted to instruct the army of citizen spies as the country accelerates its slide into banana republic despotism. Americans who feel helpless, powerless and overawed by the clear cut of their freedoms, for them the time has come for this massive, huge campaign of symbolic, powerful, peaceful resistance.
It is all about fighting against this psychological warfare all the Americans are now being subjected to by their new (would-be) slave masters. They like it very much to remind all the Americans that they are our bosses with the help of their ridiculous signs like ‘report suspicious activity posters and video messages at Wal-Mart checkouts’. They order the Americans where to park their car and where not using their slogans, messages and other means. So why not fight back using our slogans and messages, ourselves.
Everyone, who wants to oppose this cruel government rules, can become involved with this V campaign. And remember V for Victory.

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