Monday, January 31, 2011

Is Whitney Houston Pregnant

Are you people, serious, are you really thinking Whitney Houston is pregnant?
These are new rumors about Whitney Houston being pregnant. But this is doubtful to say that she is pregnant or not. She is 47 years old and she is the mother of her daughter Bobbi (16). So don’t you think that why these rumors started, now?
It is due to all these recent photographs of Whitney Houston. These pictures features a bigger and full figured Whitney Houston. But there can be another reason for her being bigger, and it does not suppose to do anything with her being pregnant.
One rumor that is moving around is that she had gain a sudden weight due to injections of steroids. Moreover the other rumor is that the effects that follow the primary action of becoming clean and serious and thoughtful caused this weight gain.
Let me know in the comments guys, how many of you think that she is pregnant or it is another a baby-bump rumor swirling around. 

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